Company Profile


Forma Camera, formerly IRFI – Roman Institute for Business Training, is the Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Craft and Agriculture of Rome set up for the promotion and organization of training courses, qualification, updating and specialization.

The Institute, operational since 1991, does not pursue profit-making. Forma Camera carries out its activity as a specialized structure of the Chamber of Commerce of Rome following principles of efficiency, economy and administrative transparency. The general objective of the activities and services offered by Forma Camera is the raising of the overall levels of knowledge and competence, favoring the meeting between the training system and the production system.

The training, guidance, accompaniment and assistance activities that Forma Camera realizes are intended for local businesses and in particular for entrepreneurs, professionals, managers, employees of SMEs in the areas of competence. The activities of Forma Camera are also carried out in collaboration and in the network with the local institutional system and representation, with universities and research centers.

In particular, the products, training, guidance and assistance services offered by Forma Camera ensure:

  • Higher education: intended as post-training or post-diploma training and high-level training in university cycles.
  • Continuous training: aimed at employed and unemployed people for whom training is preparatory to employment.
  • Support to companies or entities in the identification of training needs, through innovation processes and “knowledge management” aimed at developing offers that meet the real needs of the production system.
  • Individual advice in identifying training needs and applying skills after training.
  • Orientation and research.

The areas of activity in which Forma Camera operates are:

  • Direct remittance activities in which it realizes:
    • Enabling training related to the transmission of skills necessary for enrollment in Chamber Professional registers and Roles (Courses for Business Agents, Courses for Agents and Representatives, Courses for the supply of food and beverages, Courses for family assistant) increased by Courses on HACCP Management and Legislative Decree 81/2008.
    • Professional updating training related to courses and seminars aimed at entrepreneurs and managers in sectors of particular interest, and aimed to support to SMEs in the phases of start-up, management and consolidation, innovation and transformation.
  • Activities financed by EU funds in which Forma Camera realizes projects entrusted directly by the EU or indirectly through regional planning, acting as an institutional interlocutor of the representation system. (Main programs: “ENI”, “Interreg Europe”, “Interreg Med”, “Erasmus +”, “Horizon 2020”.
  • Projects to support the local entrepreneurial system realized with the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Rome on issues of particular importance for the economic development of the territory, such as internationalization, territorial marketing, access to credit, management, legality, innovation.


  • Headquarters in Rome in Via dell’Umiltà 48, 147 (historical centre)
  • Operational offices in Rome in Viale dell’Oceano Indiano, 17/19 and Via Capitan Bavastro, 116


  • Company Quality System ISO 9001: 2015 certified by Bureau Veritas Italy Spa (accredited by ACCREDIA)
  • Training body accredited to the Regione Lazio for the provision of higher education, continuing training and orientation (Regione Lazio’s determination D0860 of 1 March 2010);
  • Operator accredited to the Regione Lazio for compulsory and specialist services for work (Regione Lazio’s determination G13391 of 4 November 2015) – Garanzia Giovani (;
  • Promoter of internships (;
  • Entity authorized by Regione Lazio to carry out professional training courses (Regione Lazio’s determination G03740 of April 6, 2021);
  • Entity authorized by Regione Lazio to carry out training courses for the issue and renewal of the certificates of “Authorization to purchase and use of plant protection products” (Regione Lazio’s determination G11306 of 05 October 2016);
  • Entity authorized by Regione Lazio to carry out training courses for technicians qualified for the functional control and regulation of sprayer machines for crop protection (Regione Lazio’s determination G11356 of 05 October 2016);
  • Entity with Erasmus Accreditation in Vocational Education and Training (Accreditation code 2020-1-IT01-KA120-VET-008835 – Erasmus+ 2021-2027 – Erasmus+ Certificate)
  • Body authorized for Continuous Professional Training of Journalists (note prot.n.m_dg.DAG.08/08/2017.0150253.U).
  • Forma Camera is also registered in the Participant Portal of the European Horizon 2020 Framework Program for Research and Innovation and on the portal of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) for the “Erasmus+”“Creative Europe”“Europe for Citizens” programs.
  • Implementing entity of the project YES I start-up – Training for business start-up, promoted by ANPAL and the National Microcredit Entity, (National Microcredit Entity Act No. 27 of November 8, 2021)


The mission of Forma Camera is the implementation of training actions in the general interest of the local economy, with regard to the demand for training of companies, entrepreneurs and those who want to retrain for a successful integration into the labor market; the provision of services that favor the birth and development of new business activities and the growth of existing companies, improving their managerial skills and internal professional skills. The Institute, in agreement with the major Representative Associations, provides for the start-up and implementation of courses aimed at training applications of companies in the province of Rome. Forma Camera in particular:

  • Develops framework projects for the training of employed or employable human resources and for the professional updating of business owners and business managers, to be carried out through the active involvement of the business representation system, with particular reference to technology innovation and internationalization.
  • Promotes training activities to support the business development of the territory of Rome and the Province (in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Rome).
  • Manages intervention measures for training activities financed by public and private subjects, coordinating the participation of trade associations.
  • Carries out activities of demand-offer meeting in the accompaniment to work, managing services for the analysis of the training needs expressed by the labor market for the design of specialized learning paths.
  • Manages orientation and training activities aimed at the job placement of qualified resources in close cooperation with companies: it provides services for starting up and supporting entrepreneurship.

The company, as part of the activities carried out, performs the function of support for the Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce of Rome.


Forma Camera uses internal and external resources with high professional skills for analysis, design, assistance, teaching and tutoring activities. For the provision of services, Forma Camera ensures the availability of classrooms equipped with logistic and multimedia supports.